Our product is the efficiency of solutions

Both founders held senior management positions in companies such as Seznam.cz, NOTINO, and MALL. It was their managerial experience in large corporate firms that led them to a business idea in 2019. “We both knew that the most valuable thing is the ability to deliver a project on time, stay within the agreed budget, and naturally provide the expected high quality. This is a challenge faced by every industry. We are set up to improve with each new project,” says Tomáš Těthal, one of the founders, with a smile.

Most companies, during their growth, eventually reach a point where their own size and internal processes start to slow them down. This also applies to IT and e-commerce companies, which ironically built their success on speed and efficiency. Devcity based its success on the ability to "shift into an even higher gear."

“Our goal was to take advantage of the opportunity we saw in being able to bring fast and precise solutions to large corporate clients, who often struggle with lower flexibility and internal processes. Both of us had worked in large corporations and saw an opportunity in being flexible and efficient enough for big clients to benefit from our services,” explains Martin Bobek.

Our solutions are used by millions of people in the Czech Republic

They have been able to offer the software development market speed, quality, and long-standing know-how. By delivering ready-made solutions, they saved their clients time and money, and demand started to grow.

“A friend recently asked me where he could encounter our work, and when we thought about it with colleagues at the company, we realized that we had contributed to projects and systems that more than two-thirds of all Czechs have used at least once in their lives,” says Martin Bobek.

In just a few short years, Devcity evolved from a startup to a comprehensive provider of software solutions for the largest Czech e-shops, banks, media publishers, energy companies, and public institutions. Devcity does not officially disclose its client list, but if you shop at hypermarkets, read news online, order electronics from the largest Czech e-shops, or follow detailed election results, you’ve likely come across a solution delivered or contributed to by Devcity.

Martin Bobek a Tomáš Těthal, fouders of Devcity

The company positions itself as a provider of software solutions and IT teams for large tech firms, but it is gradually expanding its services to clients outside the IT sector, focusing on developing applications and software solutions that also utilize artificial intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence has been around for years. Essentially, anyone using a bank account or driving a car has encountered it. But now is the time when AI opens up possibilities in areas and industries that often don’t even realize how easily they could boost their efficiency, both in time and cost savings, all for a much smaller investment. Today is the moment when AI technology is accessible to all industries,” adds Tomáš Těthal.
We connect with our clients through technological expertise. Our new challenge is the AI market—artificial intelligence. We are absolutely certain of its potential, but we need to first show clients how it can benefit their lives and needs," summarize the founders.

In four years since its founding, Devcity has grown from a turnover of 2 million CZK in its first year to over 100 million CZK last year. This year, the turnover is expected to reach 150 million CZK, and by 2025, the company plans to achieve a turnover approaching a quarter of a billion CZK. Every year, the company shows exponential revenue growth with minimal need for increased investment.

“The value of the Devcity brand is a direct reflection of the efficiency of our solutions in the client's environment,” concludes Tomáš Těthal, co-owner of the company.