Vilém, you're the first person we're interviewing to introduce our team, so we're curious: how would you answer the question of what motivates you to work for DEVCITY? You've been part of the team for over three years now.

I hadn't even realized it's been three years already. It's actually my longest work experience. On the other hand, I’ve worked on four different projects at DEVCITY and that might be my motivation – I probably wouldn’t enjoy working on just one project.

If I understand correctly, your long-term work at DEVCITY is directly related to the variety of projects you work on?

Yes, but it’s also about the atmosphere in the company. DEVCITY feels like a startup even though it’s not a startup at all. There’s a great atmosphere and everything revolves around the actual work delivered on the projects. I don’t have a "boss" supervising me. I see that as a big freedom and I’d say it motivates me even more.

What project are you currently working on? And aside from your specialization what determines your choice of projects?

I'm working on a project where I'm involved in developing an online automation platform. DEVCITY has an exceptional knack for selecting projects and the people assigned to them. Honestly, I don't know how they do it but they manage to find projects that keep me motivated to work on them long-term.

If you had to define what kind of projects you prefer, which ones interest you the most?

DEVCITY works on a number of interesting projects. But if I had to define my preferences it's projects that make work easier for others, whether in the online or physical world.